Public Endpoints vs. Private Endpoints: Understanding the Differences, Pros, and Cons

In the realm of cloud computing and network architecture, the terms ‘public endpoint’ and ‘private endpoint’ frequently arise. Both serve as connection points for services, but they differ in accessibility, security, and use cases. Understanding these differences is crucial for making informed decisions in network design and service integration.

Public Endpoints: Broad Accessibility, Simplicity, and Cost-Effectiveness

Definition and Use Cases: Public endpoints are network interfaces that are accessible over the Internet. They are ideal for services intended for broad public access, such as websites, public APIs, or online retail platforms.

Examples: A classic example is a company website hosted on Azure, accessible to anyone on the Internet. Another is a public API that provides weather data.


1. Accessibility: Easily accessible from anywhere, which is essential for services intended for public consumption.

2. Simplicity: Less complex to set up compared to private endpoints, often requiring minimal network configuration.

3. Cost-Effectiveness: Typically less expensive than private endpoints, as they don’t require additional network infrastructure.


1. Security Risks: More vulnerable to cyber-attacks as they are exposed to the public internet.

2. Limited Control: Less control over who can access the service, leading to potential overuse or abuse.

Private Endpoints: Enhanced Security and Controlled Access

Definition and Use Cases: Private endpoints are network interfaces accessible only within a specific network or through a secure connection. They are suited for internal services, such as intranets, private APIs, or internal applications in a corporate environment.

Examples: An Azure-based internal application used by employees within a company’s private network. Or a database hosted in Azure, accessible only to applications within the same virtual network.


1. Enhanced Security: By not being exposed to the public internet, they are less susceptible to external threats.

2. Controlled Access: Access can be tightly controlled, ensuring that only authorized users or systems can connect.

3. Network Performance: Can offer better network performance and lower latency within the internal network.


1. Complexity: More complex to set up, requiring additional networking configurations like VPNs or express routes.

2. Cost: Can be more expensive due to the need for additional infrastructure and maintenance.

3. Limited Accessibility: Not suitable for services that need to be accessed broadly by the public or external entities.

Choosing the Right Endpoint

The decision between public and private endpoints hinges on the specific needs of the service:

- For Publicly Accessible Services: If the service needs to be accessed by a wide range of users over the Internet, a public endpoint is more suitable. For example, a retail website or a public-facing API.

- For Sensitive or Internal Services: If the service contains sensitive data or is intended for a limited audience, like internal applications or private databases, a private endpoint is preferable.


In summary, public endpoints offer simplicity and broad accessibility but come with increased security risks. In contrast, private endpoints provide enhanced security and controlled access but are more complex and costly. Understanding these trade-offs is crucial for architects and developers in designing and implementing cloud services, particularly in environments like Azure where both types of endpoints are frequently utilized.