Cloud Adoption Framework – Introduction

The Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure guides customers through their cloud journey, to use and adopt cloud services with confidence and in control. In this episode, Scott Bockheim explores the guidance and documentation of the framework with Lara Rubbelke to provide an overview of all the components and elements included.

The Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure guides customers through their cloud journey, to use and adopt cloud services with confidence and in control.

The most common comments I hear regarding the cloud adoption framework is:

  • it is too massive (hundreds of pages)
  • too complex
  • and the steps are confusing

In the next few posts, I will share the decks and corresponding collateral that I use with customers when I am hired to help them migrate to the cloud. The decks are a mix of information from the cloud adoption framework (CAF), my own process to supplement the CAF, and feedback from customers I have migrated. I have worked on countless projects over the years and I have refined my process and distilled it down to what I feel is useful for customers and not overwhelming.

Full disclosure, I do follow the Azure CAF instead of the AWS CAF because Microsoft has invested a considerable amount of effort into building theirs while AWS is lacking IMO. GCP has one too if you would like to check it out. I do take some bits from AWS and I include links to GCP and AWS tools if you are adopting one of them for your cloud. But overall Microsoft has done a better job IMO and provides the most comprehensive CAF, and even goes out of their way to agnostic in lots of areas of their documentation.

Azure Stack Log File Locations

I have been trying to find several of these so I was glad to see this list published today.  I simply copied this from MSDN and cleaned it up to make it readable.

Deployment Logs

Can’t get Azure Stack to install correctly?

On the host, run Invoke-DeploymentLogCollection.ps1 from <mounted drive letter>:\AzureStackInstaller\PoCDeployment\

The logs will be collected to C:\LogCollection\<GUID>

Note: Running the script in verbose mode (with the -verbose parameter) provides details about what is being saved from each machine (localhost or VM).

For the host and for the VMs, this script collects the following data:

Event logs (from event viewer) “$env:SystemRoot\System32\Winevt\Logs\*”
Tracing directory (includes the SLB Host Agent logs) “$env:SystemRoot\tracing\*”},
Azure Stack POC Deployment Logs “$env:ProgramData\Microsoft\AzureStack\Logs”},
Azure Consistent Storage   (ACS) Logs “$env:ProgramData\Woss\wsmprovhost
Compute Resource Provider (CRP) Logs “C:\CrpServices\Diagnostics”}

Azure Stack Deployment failure logs:

On the Physical Host, these are under C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\AzureStack\Logs

Fabric Detailed logs:


Services/Extension logs:


Log Collection for ACS issues

  1. Capture Blob Service logs
    1. Zip the following folder on C:\programdata\woss on the physical host machine.
    2. Capture Event Viewer logs on physical host machine
      1. Capture Admin, Debug and Operational channels event logs under “Application and Services Logs\Microsoft\AzureStack\ACS-BlobService” (use “Save All Events As” on the right pane)
      2. Also Capture the Application and System logs in Event viewer (Windows Logs)
  2. Capture blob service crash dumps [if any] on the physical machine. To find the crash dump location, use the following command.
C:\>reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows ErrorReporting\LocalDumps\BlobSvc.exe" /v DumpFolder

In this TP1 release, the automatic log collection process does not include log collection for SRP.  To collect the SRP service log, please follow the instruction as below. The AddUnitOfTime(value) should be changed accordingly based on when the error happens.

  1. Login to the xRPVM virtual machine as domain admin (AzureStack\administrator)
  2. Open a PowerShell window, and run the cmdlets below:
cd “C:\Porgramdata\Windows Fabric\xRPVM\Fabric\work\Applications\SrpServiceAppType_App1\SrpService.Code.10.105521000.151210.0200”
Import-Module .\WossLogCollector.ps1
$cred = get-credential
$end = get-date
$start = $end.AddMinutes(-10)
Invoke-WossLogCollector -StartTime $start -EndTime $end -Credential $cred -TargetFolderPath \\sofs.azurestack.local\share -SettingsStoreLiteralPath file:\\sofs.azurestack.local\Share\ObjectStorageService\Settings -WindowsFabricEndpoint ACSVM.AzureStack.local:19000
  1. Collected logs are under \\sofs.azurestack.local\share. The logs are packed as a ZIP file tagged with timestamp.

Manual Log Collection for the Multi-Compartment Network Proxy Service

Multi-Compartment Network Proxy enables the agent inside the VM to reach the metadata server and report back status.

To get proxy logs:

Check if the proxy service is running (sc query or powershell’s get-service):

Wpr –start tracer.wprp –logmode

<restart proxy service>


Wpr –stop c:\tracefile.etl

Network Resource Provider (NRP) logs

They are not enabled by default. To gather logs in a specific situation:

  1. As the Service Admin, start the trace on the xRPVM:
cmd /c "logman start mysession -p {7978B48C-76E9-449D-9B7A-6EFA497480D4} -o .\etwtrace.etl -ets"
  1. Reproduce the error scenario
  2. Stop the trace:
    cmd /c "logman stop mysession -ets"
    cmd /c "tracerpt etwtrace.etl -y"

Summary/Additional Logs Locations on the Hyper-V host

C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\AzureStack Directory “Logs” includes Azure Stack  POC deployment/TiP deployment logs
C:\ProgramData\WOSS Azure Consistent Storage   (ACS) Logs
C:\ProgramData\WossBuildout\<GUID>\Deployment Azure Consistent Storage   (ACS) deployment logs
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\ServerManager\Events File server events
C:\ProgramData\Windows Fabric\Log\Traces WinFabric traces
C:\Windows\System32\Configuration Desired State Configuration (DSC) files
C:\ClusterStorage\Volume1\Share\Certificates Certificates
C:\Windows\tracing\ Directory “SlbHostAgentLogs” includes SI   Host Plugin logs
C:\Windows\Cluster\Reports Cluster creation & Storage validation
C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log   and C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\cbs.log Role additions (e.g. Hyper-V)

ARM Logs

On the PortalVM, Portal /ARM logs can be found in Event Viewer – Applications and Services Logs – Microsoft – AzureStack.

Note: ARM logs are in “Frontdoor”.

Control Plane Logs

In Event Viewer, under Applications and Services Logs -> Microsoft -> AzureStack.  Some key logs to look at:

–        Azure resource manager: Microsoft-AzureStack-Frontdoor/Operational

–        Subscriptions service: Microsoft-AzureStack-Subscriptions/Operational

–        Portal Shell site: Microsoft-AzureStack-ShellSite/Operational

Compute Resource Provider (CRP) diagnostics logs

On the xRPVM machine, these are located under


Note: the logs are rolled and backed up every day

Logs for Azure provisioning agent

The log produced by the Azure provisioning agent (PA) is inside a tenant virtual machine at


Logs for VM DSC extensions

In addition to any ARM messages in the portal, these logs are currently stored in the tenant-deployed VM:


For DSC extension, the DscExtensionHandler log is in




Getting the status for VM extensions

You can also use a script such as the following one, targeting the corresponding Resource Group:

Get-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $tenantRGName 
       $vms =  Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $tenantRGName 
        foreach($vmname in $vms.OSProfile.ComputerName) 
            $status = Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $tenantRGName -Status -Name $vmname 
            Write-Host $status.Name 
            Write-Host $status.ExtensionsText 
            Write-Host $status.StatusesText 
            Write-Host $status.BootDiagnosticsText 
            Write-Host $status.DisksText 
            Write-Host $status.VMAgentText 

Information about Resource Deployment Status:

In the Portal, under Resource Explorer/Subscriptions/<yourSubscription>/<your resource group>/Deployments/Microsoft.Template/Operations/


Error :

“properties”: {

“provisioningState”: “Failed”,

“timestamp”: “2016-02-04T23:32:21.3841604Z”,

“duration”: “PT3.343173S”,

“trackingId”: “0af85051-1350-493c-bc95-313dd6c0a874”,

“statusCode”: “BadRequest”,

“statusMessage”: {

“error”: {

“code”: “OperationNotSupported”,

“message”: “PUT operation on resource /subscriptions/922819A8-30D6-49E5-9D15-010A66FD6B39/resourcegroups/newme1/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mesos-master-lb-01234567/inboundNatRules/SSH-mesos-master-01234567-0 is not supported.”,

“details”: [],

“innerError”: “Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Networking.Nrp.Frontend.Common.ValidationException: PUT operation on resource /subscriptions/922819A8-30D6-49E5-9D15-010A66FD6B39/resourcegroups/newme1/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mesos-master-lb-01234567/inboundNatRules/SSH-mesos-master-01234567-0 is not supported.”


“targetResource”: {

“id”: “/subscriptions/922819A8-30D6-49E5-9D15-010A66FD6B39/resourceGroups/newme1/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/mesos-master-lb-01234567/inboundNatRules/SSH-mesos-master-01234567-0”,

“resourceType”: “Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/inboundNatRules”,

“resourceName”: “mesos-master-lb-01234567/SSH-mesos-master-01234567-0”



“properties”: {

“provisioningState”: “Succeeded”,

“timestamp”: “2016-02-04T23:32:30.9349745Z”,

“duration”: “PT6.7912649S”,

“trackingId”: “8b9a3e65-6a64-4fba-a69e-ff64631e8a92”,

“statusCode”: “Created”,

“targetResource”: {

“id”: “/subscriptions/922819A8-30D6-49E5-9D15-010A66FD6B39/resourceGroups/newme1/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/jb-01234567-nic”,

“resourceType”: “Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces”,

“resourceName”: “jb-01234567-nic”
