Cloud Adoption Framework – Strategy

Strategy is the second phase in the cloud adoption framework (CAF). Below is the slide deck I use when discussing this phase with customers. During this phase you define the business and expected outcomes. For example, a common business outcome is to save on costs for an internally hosted website. It is a common misconception that the main driving factor for moving to the cloud is cost savings, but this is a perfect scenario to uncover that business outcome and reset that outcome. While it is possible to save money moving to the cloud because of tax laws and capex vs opex it’s not very common.  Defining expected outcomes can vary widely but more common ones include fully redundant, geographically redundant, agile support, DevOps support, updating versions, so on. 

The slides include notes on each slide to help educate the presenter and provide context for a discussion during the presentation. 

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Cloud Adoption Framework: Moving to the Cloud

This is the first in the series of utilizing the Cloud Adoption Framework to move to the cloud. These are the actual slides I use when I work with customers on planning their migration. 

Typically, the process starts with an assessment of their on-premise infrastructure using one of many tools to get an inventory of their datacenter as well as the services/software running, ports used, and connections between servers. This allows us to determine and build “move groups” so that we do not impact services during the migration. This subject is covered in more depth in the series. Because this process takes about two weeks to complete, that is the opportune time to complete the cloud adoption framework series of decks.

The download link is to the github repository and will contain the latest versions of the slides.